Every year, drivers pay a large sum of cash to their auto insurance provider. In every state, auto insurance is mandatory. If someone wants to drive in the United States, they have to be insured. However, whenever you get into an accident, there is a chance that you’ll get into a crash with one of the 13% of drivers who drive uninsured. There are endless reasons why people drive uninsured. Financial hardship. a lapse in coverage, etc. However, the worst reason someone is uninsured is that they are accident-prone, causing their rate to go up more and more until its too much for them to pay. Regardless of the situation, here are some tips to help you deal with the scenario.

Call the Police

The first thing you need to do is call the police. Especially if there are any injuries. Making sure you and everyone else is okay should be the first priority. Next step is to document everything. Get pictures of anything that is relevant. Also, remember to get the names, phone numbers, and addresses of everyone involved and any witnesses. If you have to go to court because the driver is uninsured, you want to make sure you are prepared.

File a Claim

Sometimes the other party had insurance, but just happened to forget his/her payment, and his/her coverage lapsed. That’s okay! In most cases, Insurance companies may cover the other driver if he pays the balance he owes. While the driver still might not technically be insured, you still want to file a claim anyway. After this, make sure you inform your insurance company of the accident. However, it is important to remember that notifying your insurance company and filing a claim with them are two different things. You should only file a claim with your insurance as the last resource. This is because it might cause your rates to go up. Something you should try an avoid, especially if the accident is not your fault.

Call a Lawyer

Listen, not everyone knows the ins and outs of traffic law. Who’s really at fault? who pays who? What do I do next? These are all normal questions, but its best to have your attorney answer them. Especially when you add an uninsured driver to the mix. A car accident lawyer knows exactly what to do to prove who is liable. Regardless of who you think is at fault, pick up your phone or go online and search for a lawyer you can trust to take on your case.

Injured in a Texas Car Crash? Contact The Law Giant for Help

Any car crash can leave you feeling overwhelmed and unsure of what to do next. After receiving medical attention, contact The Law Giant, Personal Injury & Accident Lawyers right away. We can handle the legalities of your case while you focus on recovering. With our skilled legal representation by your side, you may be able to secure full and fair compensation for your damages. Contact us at (866) 523-4167 to schedule a free case evaluation.

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