While you may do everything possible to avoid getting into a wreck, accidents still happen. Often, they occur within the blink of an eye! When you are in a truck accident, there are certain things you may want to know, especially if it involves a big truck. Accidents alone can be scary, but the process after the fact can be quite a headache. Even though you may be a bit disoriented, here is what you need to do:

Just stay put

The worst thing to do when in a truck accident is leave the scene, regardless of how bad it may be. You could face serious charges if you leave the accident, and someone happens to be hurt. If you are involved in the crash, you must stop and wait.

Get away from traffic

To avoid further damage, move over to the side of the road, away from the traffic.

Call 911

You must report the accident by calling 911 immediately, regardless of how minor the situation may be, and even if the other driver says there is no need to call the police. Cover all your bases by making the call, and offering as much detail as possible. It is best to have a police record of the accident.

Medical assistance

If someone is hurt on the accident scene, never try to move them. The very first thing you should do is call an ambulance for serious injuries. Even if you feel fine, schedule a doctor’s appointment as soon as possible. There may be internal damage that you do not know about.

Leave the vehicles where they are

Leave the vehicles involved in the accident exactly where they are so the police can make an accurate assessment of what happened.

Keep it simple

Never share too much information with the police once they arrive. The wrong statement, regardless of how innocent it may seem, could easily make you appear to be the one to blame.

Insurance adjusters

The only insurance adjuster you should be talking to are the ones from your insurance company. Do not sign anything without your attorney being present. Contact your insurance company, and provide them with the other driver’s insurance information, along with their name and address.

Get the personal information of any witnesses

Gather as many details as you can, including license plate numbers and the contact information of all witnesses.

Take a picture

Use your cell phone, or any camera available, to take pictures of the entire accident scene, including street signs and both damaged vehicles.

Hire an attorney

After the accident, it is important to reach out to a truck accident and personal injury attorney immediately for proper assistance.

The only way to know that your case will be handled to your benefit is to hire an attorney so you are fully aware of every legal option you have. With the right attorney, your damages and injuries will be taken care of.

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