Ringing, whistling, or another persistent sound in a person’s ears is known as tinnitus. Between 2003 and 2015, Minnesota-based company called 3M sold millions of defective dual-ended Combat ArmsTM Earplugs that caused this condition in numerous consumers.
Although these earplugs were intended to protect soldiers from noises in the battlefield, they failed to do so and caused ear conditions for many of them. If 3M earplugs have injured you or someone you love, reach out to the highly skilled Texas product liability lawyers at The Law Giant, Personal Injury & Accident Lawyers. You can trust us to evaluate your case and inform you of your legal options. Call us at (866) 523-4167 today, or reach out through the online form to schedule a free consultation of your case with The Law Giant.
What is Tinnitus?
Tinnitus causes persistent noise in the ears. While most people with the condition hear ringing in their ears, other sounds such as buzzing, clicking, roaring, hissing, and humming may be heard as well. It may be present all the time, or come and go randomly.
Subjective tinnitus refers to noise that only the person can hear. Objective tinnitus, however, is when a doctor can also hear the noise when they perform a medical exam. Subjective tinnitus is the most common type of tinnitus, and is often the result of prolonged exposure to loud noise, age-related hearing loss, earwax blockage, and changes in the ear bone.
It is important to understand that tinnitus is a symptom of an underlying condition like an ear injury, hearing loss, or a circulatory system disorder. Fortunately, it can be prevented by using hearing protection, turning down the volume when you listen to music, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
How Can Tinnitus Affect Quality of Life?
Unfortunately, tinnitus can significantly take away from one’s quality of life. Although it affects each person differently, it can make someone feel weak and fatigued, therefore preventing them from being able to work and be productive. It can also make it difficult for someone to get a good night’s sleep, because they are constantly disturbed by the sound in their ears. In addition, tinnitus can cause concentration and memory problems and in severe cases, anxiety and depression.
What is the 3M Combat Earplugs Lawsuit?
3M’s Combat ArmsTM Earplugs failed to do their job of protecting soldiers from the loud noises on the battlefield. These products featured a defective design because they were too short to fit properly in the ears of many soldiers. Unfortunately, some soldiers who wore these earplugs are now coping with tinnitus.
Filing a 3M Combat Earplugs lawsuit can help hold the company accountable for their faulty product. Believe it or not, 3M was aware of their defective headphones for years, yet never informed the U.S. Military. In the summer of 2018, 3M agreed to provide $9.1 million in compensation to the U.S. government to pay for the damages its earplugs caused.
If these earplugs hurt you or someone you love, you still have time to take action. A product liability claim allows you to pursue justice, and give you a chance to recover compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages.
Contact The Law Giant for Help
Those who sacrifice their lives to fight for our country’s freedom deserve to be provided with quality products that won’t damage their health. Therefore, if 3M’s Combat ArmsTM Earplugs have hurt you or a loved one, it’s essential that you contact The Law Giant, Personal Injury & Accident Lawyers today to understand your rights. It’s not too late to file a claim and protect your future. Contact us today at (866) 523-4167 to schedule a free, initial evaluation of your case.