A car accident can be very stressful. They always happen at the wrong time, and they often come as a surprise. When they are the result of a drunk driver, knowing what to do can be even more confusing. Staying calm is generally the first and most useful recommendation, but when alcohol is involved, there are other things to keep in mind.
Drunk Driving Accidents are Often Quite Serious
If you have been in an accident, and you believe that the other driver was drinking alcohol, first, consider yourself lucky. Accidents that occur as the result of drunk driving are often fatal, many times only to the vehicle hit by the drunk driver. If you are a passenger in a car that has been struck, you should first check to see if everyone is okay. There may have been other vehicles involved, or even other passengers in the vehicle with you that were not as lucky.
Getting prompt medical attention following a car accident is important for many reasons- this especially true with drunk driving accidents. The obvious reason is in order to prevent any serious damage or complications. If bystanders are not able to call for help, make that your first priority.
Drunk Drivers Don Not Like to Hang Around
If a drunk driver is conscious or sober enough to realize what they have done, they will not try to stay around. Even if fault cannot be established immediately, an impaired driver does not want to be there when police show up. Because of this, it is really important to collect as much information as possible before they do leave. Take pictures of their license plate, the accident and any vehicles involved. Try and get a copy of their license and insurance. Do whatever you can to insure that the authorities can find them later.
Drunk Drivers Can Become Violent
Car accidents are stressful for anyone, and drunk drivers are no exception. Combine that with intoxication, and you may have a volatile individual. It is generally recommended that you do not try and restrain an intoxicated driver. You should also refrain from accusing them of being intoxicated or otherwise inciting them. If they are intoxicated they are not rational, and you may miss an important opportunity to collect useful information. If you suspect that a drunk driver will become violent, contact the authorities as soon as possible, and avoid the driver until they arrive.
If you have been hit by a drunk driver, it is important to stay level-headed. Make sure everyone receives medical attention, collect whatever information that you can, and contact the authorities. There’s no need to prove their guilt, or your innocence at the scene of the accident. That can be handled by the police and your attorney
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