Most people have done it. They know they’re too tired to drive, but what they have to do is important, so they do so anyway. The problem with getting behind the wheel without enough sleep is that it’s very similar to driving while intoxicated.
Driving without enough sleep makes you react more slowly and it results in you losing focus. When you’re not focused, you put yourself and others at risk of being in an accident due to falling asleep. Why? Here are a few facts you should know about driving while you’re tired.
Symptoms are enough to get you into an accident
There are many symptoms of driver fatigue that can lead to a crash. For instance, if you’re tired behind the wheel, you may not be able to focus on what you’re doing or may focus so narrowly on the task that you miss signs of impending hazards.
Not having enough sleep results in you zoning out and daydreaming, which takes your mind off the road. With slower reaction times and poor judgment in addition to the other symptoms of not having enough sleep, it’s no wonder that people who drive without a good night’s rest are more likely to cause a crash.
Fatigue isn’t just caused by a lack of sleep
Fatigue isn’t just caused by a lack of sleep. In fact, driving long hours can result in boredom that makes you feel tired. Additionally, driving at times when you would normally sleep has the potential to make you tired, even if you had plenty of sleep before you got behind the wheel. Of course, failing to get seven to eight hours of sleep before you drive is more likely to leave you tired as well.
Waking hours matter
If you’re awake more than 17 hours, you may begin to feel exhausted. That’s because the body needs to get some rest to recharge. Each hour you put it off puts you at a higher risk of being in an accident.
Sleeping and resting properly is important to your health and safety behind the wheel. Take the time you need to rest, so you can lower your risk of injuries.
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